Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Salam and good evening everyone! Wippie, I got all A's in this exam, but not all paper I suppose to get.. But I am tickled pink today! XD

Tomorrow my teacher wants to make a drama (just in my class).. Oh no! I don't really good in acting! Lucky that I just become the addition actor not the hero! Haha! I don't know how the acting tomorrow.. O.K or K.O.

Tomorrow also, my school has Sports Day in the evening.. So I come home tomorrow very early.. Yes! I hope so.. Then, in the evening I will come back to school.. I just wanted to look the marching that will be performed by every sport home.. My friends say that the participant in the marching will dance and do another thing beside marching!

This is gonna be best! (I think so)

Ok, that's all, Salam!